Statistics and meaning of name Daedalus
Usage: 75% firstname, 25% surname.
Daedalus first name was found 12 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Daedalus is used at least 4 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,India)
Origin of this name is Greek.
Family names Daedalus Spanos (1) |
Daedalus reversed is Suladead
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Ddeasaul Uedlaasd Dledausa Asdulead
Misspells: Doedalus Daedaluss Daedalusa Deadalus Daedalsu Daedauls
Rhymes: Tantalus Aeolus Aeschylus Catullus Nautilus Regulus Romulus sedulous credulous incredulous perilous edifice
Meaning of name Daedalus is: Latinized form of the Greek Δαιδαλος (Daidalos) which meant "cunning" or "curiously wrought". In Greek myth Daedalus was an Athenian inventor who was banished to Crete. There he designed the Labyrinth for King Minos, but he and his son Icarus were eventually imprisoned inside it because he had aided Theseus in his quest against the Minotaur. Daela
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