Statistics and meaning of name Daghie

We have no records about Daghie being used as firstname.
Surname Daghie is used at least 23 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Bulgarian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 达吉耶 (pinyin: dá jí yé)

Given names
Viorel Daghie (5)
Raulica Daghie (2)
Elena Daghie (2)
Ion Daghie (2)
Paula Daghie (1)
Lucian Daghie (1)
Gheorghe Daghie (1)
Neculai Daghie (1)

Daghie reversed is Eihgad
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Aghedi Eahigd Gdaihe Hegdia Ihedga Agdieh
Misspells: Doghie Daghye Daghje Daghee Daghiea Dgahie Daghei Dagihe

Rhymes: Archie Kathie Richie Ruthie Sophie hie buggy muggy lucky plucky unlucky

Meaning of name Daghie is: from the Bulgarian name [Dage], the hypocoristic of [Dago]
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Old Wiki
Name: Daghie
Language: Romanian
Origin: Bulgarian
Meaning: from the Bulgarian name Dage, the hypocoristic of Dago

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