Statistics and meaning of name Dalco

Usage: 23% firstname, 77% surname.
Dalco first name was found 23 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Dalco is used at least 77 times in at least 11 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 达尔科 (pinyin: dá ěr kē)

      Surname Dalco
Given names
Michel Dalco (1)
Marina Dalco (1)
Olivier Dalco (1)
Stephane Dalco (1)
Jean Dalco (1)
Yves Dalco (1)
Eliane Dalco (1)
Mario Dalco (1)
Philippa Dalco (1)
Marco Dalco (1)
Anna Dalco (1)
Carla Dalco (1)
Gianni Dalco (1)
Elina Dalco (1)

Given name Dalco
Family names
Dalco Ghironi (1)

Surname Dalco in France   Surname Dalco in USA   

Dalco reversed is Oclad
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Daloc Acdol Colad Odacl Dacol Daclo Lacod Dlaoc
Misspells: Dolco Dalcoa Dlaco Daloc Daclo

Rhymes: Acapulco bunco bunko junco stucco jumbo

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Australia United Kingdom France India Germany South Africa Jordan Canada Italy Saudi Arabia Japan Syrian Arab Republic Denmark Netherlands Iran Brazil Switzerland Lebanon


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