Statistics and meaning of name Dambroise

We have no records about Dambroise being used as firstname.
Surname Dambroise is used at least 22 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 当布鲁瓦斯 (pinyin: dāng bù lǔ wǎ sī)

      Surname Dambroise
Given names
Marcel Dambroise (2)
Gilbert Dambroise (1)
Christian Dambroise (1)
Marc Dambroise (1)
Renee Dambroise (1)
Aime Dambroise (1)
Nicolas Dambroise (1)
Raynald Dambroise (1)
Jacques Dambroise (1)
Herve Dambroise (1)
Victoria Dambroise (1)

Surname Dambroise in France   Surname Dambroise in USA   

Dambroise reversed is Esiorbmad
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Abdemorsi Reabisomd Dabmiesor Dmeribosa Sremidoba
Misspells: Dombroise Dambloise Dambrroise Dambroisse Dambroyse Dambrojse Dambroese Dambroisea Dmabroise Dambroies Dambrosie

Rhymes: Boise Eloise Francoise Héloise equipoise noise poise destroys employs employes deploys ploys

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Thailand Canada


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