Statistics and meaning of name Danulescu

We have no records about Danulescu being used as firstname.
Surname Danulescu is used at least 76 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.

      Surname Danulescu
Given names
Marian Danulescu (3)
Speranta Danulescu (3)
Adrian Danulescu (3)
Maria Danulescu (3)
Constantin Danulescu (3)
Corneliu Danulescu (2)
Vasile Danulescu (2)
Stefan Danulescu (2)
Victor Danulescu (2)
Stan Danulescu (2)
Olguta Danulescu (2)
Niculae Danulescu (2)
Anica Danulescu (2)
Irina Danulescu (2)
Iosif Danulescu (2)
Virgil Danulescu (2)
Eugenia Danulescu (2)
Elena Danulescu (2)
Florian Danulescu (2)
Florin Danulescu (2)
Georgeta Danulescu (2)
Gheorghe Danulescu (2)
Georges Danulescu (1)
Viorel Danulescu (1)
Sandu Danulescu (1)
Marius Danulescu (1)
Ioana Danulescu (1)
Florentina Danulescu (1)
Dorina Danulescu (1)
Lucian Danulescu (1)
Aurel Danulescu (1)
Nicolae Danulescu (1)
Neculae Danulescu (1)
Mihai Danulescu (1)
Romulus Danulescu (1)

Danulescu reversed is Ucselunad
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Daunsucel Dnulsueca Seucnudla Sneacudlu
Misspells: Donulescu Danulesscu Danulescua Dnaulescu Danulesuc Danulecsu

Rhymes: Ceausescu parvenu rescue ingenue menu venue

Meaning of name Danulescu is: [Dan] plus the termination -(l)escu; Dănulescu
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Thailand Romania Canada Brazil

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Old Wiki
Name: Danulescu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: Dan plus the termination -(l)escu
Comments: Dănulescu

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