Statistics and meaning of name Darbot

We have no records about Darbot being used as firstname.
Surname Darbot is used at least 34 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,France)
Name written with Chinese letters: 达尔博 (pinyin: dá ěr bó)

Given names
Eric Darbot (2)
Remy Darbot (1)
Thierry Darbot (1)
Sylvette Darbot (1)
Serge Darbot (1)
Stephane Darbot (1)
Monique Darbot (1)
Bertrand Darbot (1)
Christophe Darbot (1)
Herve Darbot (1)
Yvette Darbot (1)
Jacques Darbot (1)
Pascal Darbot (1)
Roger Darbot (1)
Olivier Darbot (1)
Claude Darbot (1)
Vincent Darbot (1)
Roland Darbot (1)
Janine Darbot (1)
Germaine Darbot (1)
Florian Darbot (1)
Georges Darbot (1)
Loic Darbot (1)
Laetitia Darbot (1)
Henri Darbot (1)
Germain Darbot (1)
Elisabeth Darbot (1)

Surname Darbot in France   

Darbot reversed is Tobrad
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Tabord Rdaobt Draotb Ardotb
Misspells: Dorbot Dalbot Darrbot Darbota Drabot Darbto Darobt

Rhymes: turbot Cabot Talbot abbot jabot robot bandeau plateau bestow patio polio

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Algeria Thailand United Kingdom


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