Statistics and meaning of name Darfeuil
We have no records about Darfeuil being used as firstname.
Surname Darfeuil is used at least 20 times in at least 1 countries. (France)
Name written with Chinese letters: 达尔弗伊 (pinyin: dá ěr fú yī)
Given names
Monique Darfeuil (2) Pierre Darfeuil (2) Alfred Darfeuil (1) Valerie Darfeuil (1) Clarisse Darfeuil (1) Fabien Darfeuil (1) Robert Darfeuil (1) Nelly Darfeuil (1) Xavier Darfeuil (1) Marie Darfeuil (1) Claudette Darfeuil (1) Noemie Darfeuil (1) Philippe Darfeuil (1) Remi Darfeuil (1) Alain Darfeuil (1) Nicole Darfeuil (1) |
Darfeuil reversed is Liuefrad
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Iarlufde Furdeila Alfiured Leariduf
Misspells: Dorfeuil Dalfeuil Darrfeuil Darfeuyl Darfeujl Darfeuel Darfeuila Drafeuil Darfeuli Darfeiul
Rhymes: Guayaquil NyQuil jonquil tranquil preschool playschool school molecule stool
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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