Statistics and meaning of name Darowny
We have no records about Darowny being used as firstname.
Surname Darowny is used at least 16 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Marian Darowny (3) Franciszek Darowny (1) Andrzej Darowny (1) Jerzy Darowny (1) Barbara Darowny (1) Kazimierz Darowny (1) Jan Darowny (1) Jolanta Darowny (1) Richard Darowny (1) Krzysztof Darowny (1) Leszek Darowny (1) Ireneusz Darowny (1) Edwige Darowny (1) |
Darowny reversed is Ynworad
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Owranyd Owadynr Daorywn Wyrodna Yadronw Ynawrod Nywdora Ondyraw
Misspells: Dorowny Dalowny Darrowny Darowni Darovvny Darownya Draowny Darowyn Daronwy
Rhymes: Downy downy brawny mulligatawny scrawny brownie townie townee drowsy
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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