Statistics and meaning of name Daschl
We have no records about Daschl being used as firstname.
Surname Daschl is used at least 16 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Austria)
Given names
Karl Daschl (4) Gunther Daschl (2) Maria Daschl (2) Martina Daschl (1) Werner Daschl (1) Gabriele Daschl (1) Aloisia Daschl (1) Eduard Daschl (1) Elfriede Daschl (1) Alexandra Daschl (1) |
![Surname Daschl in Austria Surname Daschl in Austria](/img/Austria/Daschl.jpg)
Daschl reversed is Lhcsad
Name contains 6 letters - 16.67% vowels and 83.33% consonants.
Misspells: Doschl Dasschl Daschla Dsachl Dasclh Dashcl
Rhymes: paschal baffle basil dazzle tassel
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Su aus Österreich says: Daschl is a dialect word in Austrian and Bajuvarian German. It is the small form of the word "Tasche", so it means a small bag, usually not a shopping bag (that would be " Sackerl", but rather a bag that's worn on the belt or like a bag or handbag on the arm or around the shoulder
This page has been visited from the following countries:
![United States:5 United States](/img/United-States-flag.png)
![Austria:2 Austria](/img/Austria-flag.png)
![Brazil:1 Brazil](/img/Brazil-flag.png)
Writers: Thomas Daschle, Tom Daschle, Us Senator Tom Daschle
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