Statistics and meaning of name Dasour
We have no records about Dasour being used as firstname.
Surname Dasour is used at least 28 times in at least 5 countries.
Given names
Nirmal Dasour (3) Vijay Dasour (2) Sunil Dasour (2) Deepak Dasour (2) Reeta Dasour (2) Sophie Dasour (1) Subash Dasour (1) Sunilkumar Dasour (1) Yasmeen Dasour (1) Tanvir Dasour (1) Rajesh Dasour (1) Indra Dasour (1) Harmash Dasour (1) Joanna Dasour (1) Karan Dasour (1) Bal Dasour (1) Mandeep Dasour (1) Ravinder Dasour (1) |
Dasour reversed is Ruosad
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Adosru Asordu Dosuar Asdoru Dsauro Asduro
Misspells: Dosour Dasoul Dasourr Dassour Dasoura Dsaour Dasoru Dasuor
Rhymes: sour Armour Balfour Barbour Cavour LAmour Pompadour buffer tougher buzzer mother brother
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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