Statistics and meaning of name Deculescu
We have no records about Deculescu being used as firstname.
Surname Deculescu is used at least 69 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 德库列斯库 (pinyin: dé kù liè sī kù)
Given names
Maria Deculescu (4) Dan Deculescu (3) Vasile Deculescu (3) Constantin Deculescu (3) Iulian Deculescu (2) Adela Deculescu (2) Mariana Deculescu (2) Lucia Deculescu (2) Nicolae Deculescu (2) Stoichita Deculescu (2) Sofia Deculescu (2) Petre Deculescu (2) Georgeta Deculescu (2) Marin Deculescu (2) Gheorghe Deculescu (2) Elena Deculescu (2) Floarea Deculescu (2) Doru Deculescu (2) Sorin Deculescu (1) Bogdan Deculescu (1) Constanta Deculescu (1) Stefan Deculescu (1) Aurelian Deculescu (1) Alexandru Deculescu (1) Traian Deculescu (1) Cristian Deculescu (1) Mircea Deculescu (1) Ioana Deculescu (1) Liliana Deculescu (1) Evantia Deculescu (1) Marian Deculescu (1) Gabriel Deculescu (1) Frusina Deculescu (1) Florea Deculescu (1) |
Deculescu reversed is Ucseluced
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.
Anagrams: Deucsucel Dculsuece Seuccudle Sceecudlu
Misspells: Deculesscu Deculescua Dceulescu Deculesuc Deculecsu
Rhymes: Ceausescu rescue parvenu menu venue sensu
Meaning of name Deculescu is: [Decu] plus the termination -escu
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