Statistics and meaning of name Delappe

Usage: 1% firstname, 99% surname.
Delappe first name was found 2 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Delappe is used at least 141 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,UK)
Name written with Chinese letters: 德拉普 (pinyin: dé lā pǔ)

Given names
Sara Delappe (2)
Sean Delappe (2)
Wayne Delappe (2)
Paul Delappe (1)
Rebecca Delappe (1)
Sonia Delappe (1)
William Delappe (1)
Teresa Delappe (1)
Pauline Delappe (1)
Shaun Delappe (1)
Michael Delappe (1)
Grace Delappe (1)
Gaynor Delappe (1)
Dorothy Delappe (1)
Joanna Delappe (1)
Kathryn Delappe (1)
Mark Delappe (1)
Lliam Delappe (1)
Lesley Delappe (1)
Denise Delappe (1)

Surname Delappe in USA   

Delappe reversed is Eppaled
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Apleped Apedepl Dealepp Peladpe Eedlapp Epeplad Pepdale Apdelep
Misspells: Deloppe Delappea Dleappe Delapep

Rhymes: lagniappe Giuseppe Philippe Trippe Xanthippe grippe develop envelop redevelop overdevelop pellet

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Msrgaret Ann Rouse says: My great grandmother's maiden name was DeLappe; Elizabeth DeLappe. My uncle always said that her name was originally DeLaplanche; that they originally were French Huguenots who escaped to Ireland , and shortened the name . My great grandmother was born in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, in 1916,a daughter of Charles DeLappe and Annie Sophia Crane. She married William Morris and in 1880 gave birth to my maternal grandmother, Emma Morris, who in 1913 married my William Murray, my paternal grandfather; their daughter , Elizabeth Murray was my mother.Hope this information may help some people in their search! It is believed the Delapps came to Parrsboro from Barnstable, Massachusetts.

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