Statistics and meaning of name Delfont
We have no records about Delfont being used as firstname.
Surname Delfont is used at least 16 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 德尔方特 (pinyin: dé ěr fāng té)
Given names
Lady Delfont (2) Jose Delfont (2) Susan Delfont (2) Ben Delfont (2) Rejane Delfont (1) Francisco Delfont (1) Maria Delfont (1) Sarah Delfont (1) David Delfont (1) Joseph Delfont (1) Alexander Delfont (1) |
Delfont reversed is Tnofled
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.
Misspells: Delfonta Dlefont Delfotn Delfnot
Rhymes: font Beaumont Belmont DuPont Fremont Hellespont Lamont detente want restaurant confidant
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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