Statistics and meaning of name Deodati

We have no records about Deodati being used as firstname.
Surname Deodati is used at least 200 times in at least 7 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 德奥达提 (pinyin: dé ào dá tí)

      Surname Deodati
Given names
Giuseppe Deodati (8)
Domenico Deodati (7)
Angelo Deodati (6)
Mario Deodati (6)
Antonio Deodati (5)
Michele Deodati (4)
Giovanni Deodati (4)
Alfredo Deodati (4)
Roberto Deodati (3)
Maurizio Deodati (3)
Maria Deodati (2)
Domenica Deodati (2)
Edoardo Deodati (2)
Marco Deodati (2)
Pietro Deodati (2)
Fabio Deodati (2)
Giorgio Deodati (2)
Giovanna Deodati (2)
Vittorio Deodati (2)
Sergio Deodati (2)
Marcello Deodati (2)
Massimo Deodati (2)
Sante Deodati (2)
Claudio Deodati (2)
Luca Deodati (2)
Nicola Deodati (2)
Salvatore Deodati (2)
Anna Deodati (2)
Charles Deodati (2)
Stefania Deodati (1)
Remo Deodati (1)
Quinta Deodati (1)
Silvano Deodati (1)
Sara Deodati (1)
Sandro Deodati (1)
Tersilio Deodati (1)
Sebastiano Deodati (1)
Rina Deodati (1)
Fiorella Deodati (1)
Francois Deodati (1)
Cesaire Deodati (1)
Francis Deodati (1)
Dorli Deodati (1)
Josy Deodati (1)
Liliane Deodati (1)
Catherine Deodati (1)
Alessandro Deodati (1)
Stefana Deodati (1)
Ermes Deodati (1)
Walter Deodati (1)
Valentino Deodati (1)
Eugenio Deodati (1)
Irene Deodati (1)
Carmelo Deodati (1)
Lucio Deodati (1)
Ubaldo Deodati (1)
Marianna Deodati (1)
Emanuela Deodati (1)
Daniela Deodati (1)
Cesarina Deodati (1)
Enrico Deodati (1)
Enzo Deodati (1)
Ezio Deodati (1)
Eugenia Deodati (1)
Bernardino Deodati (1)
Benito Deodati (1)
Renato Deodati (1)
Emanuele Deodati (1)
Josee Deodati (1)
Vincenzo Deodati (1)
Alessandra Deodati (1)
Assunta Deodati (1)
Armando Deodati (1)
Franca Deodati (1)
Franco Deodati (1)
Michela Deodati (1)
Memmo Deodati (1)
Massimiliano Deodati (1)
Nazzareno Deodati (1)
Nichele Deodati (1)
Paolo Deodati (1)
Paola Deodati (1)
Robert Deodati (1)
Manuele Deodati (1)
Germano Deodati (1)
Gabriella Deodati (1)
Gianni Deodati (1)
Giselda Deodati (1)
Luisa Deodati (1)
Luigia Deodati (1)
Pasqualino Deodati (1)

Surname Deodati in France   Surname Deodati in Italy   Surname Deodati in USA   

Deodati reversed is Itadoed
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Daedito Iedodta Tiaddoe
Misspells: Deodoti Deodaty Deodatj Deodate Deodatia Doedati Deodait Deodtai

Rhymes: Amati Cincinnati Gujarati Illuminati Kiribati Maserati literati potty spotty dotty knotty

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Ricky Deodati says: It means "the God-given" or "gift to God" in Latin, and it's origin is Italian with records dating back to the 11th century involving a Pope, which is attributable to the name. The Deodati family is originally from Lucca and now mainly lives east of Rome near Tivoli.
Ricky Deodati says: The name "Deodati" means "the God-given" or "the gift to God" (deo = God and dati = gift) and is Latin in derivation (the Italian spelling is with an i instead of an e and the i at the end is plural), and is probably attributed to a Pope Deodati from around the 11th or 12th century. The family is originally from Lucca, but now mainly resides in a small town east of Rome near the waterfalls of Tivoli. The family has a very rich and interesting history which is much too long to go into here. A book was written about them and their struggles in Charles Deodati's relation to the English poet, John Milton and who was also the roomate of Sir Francis Bacon. There are also references to the famous Swiss tourist enclave along Lake Geneva, Villa Deodati, and for the translation of the Bible from Latin to English by yet another Deodati which can be found in an old Encyclopedia Britannica. And, no doubt, there is much, much more. Needless to say, I am proud to be a member of the Deodati clan and the family ethos to which they have almost subconsciously believed in and aspired to.

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Writers: G. L. Deodati

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