Statistics and meaning of name Dethick

We have no records about Dethick being used as firstname.
Surname Dethick is used at least 95 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Dethick
Given names
Emma Dethick (5)
James Dethick (4)
Ian Dethick (3)
David Dethick (3)
Craig Dethick (2)
Jane Dethick (2)
Kevin Dethick (2)
George Dethick (2)
Gillian Dethick (2)
Christine Dethick (2)
Janet Dethick (2)
Anne Dethick (2)
Andrew Dethick (2)
Alison Dethick (2)
Steven Dethick (2)
Ann Dethick (2)
Ben Dethick (2)
Stephen Dethick (2)
Lee Dethick (1)
Josef Dethick (1)
Leanne Dethick (1)
Laura Dethick (1)
Karen Dethick (1)
Kayleigh Dethick (1)
Julian Dethick (1)
Michael Dethick (1)
Sarah Dethick (1)
Sadie Dethick (1)
Scott Dethick (1)
Sean Dethick (1)
Winifred Dethick (1)
Valerie Dethick (1)
Nigel Dethick (1)
Nicola Dethick (1)
Louise Dethick (1)
Lisa Dethick (1)
Marie Dethick (1)
Maureen Dethick (1)
Jenny Dethick (1)
Linda Dethick (1)
Hephzibah Dethick (1)
Dawn Dethick (1)
Darryl Dethick (1)
Doreen Dethick (1)
Dorothy Dethick (1)
Earle Dethick (1)
Christopher Dethick (1)
Brian Dethick (1)
Alan Dethick (1)
Angela Dethick (1)
Arthur Dethick (1)
Barry Dethick (1)
Edith Dethick (1)
Edward Dethick (1)
Adele Dethick (1)
Heather Dethick (1)
Janice Dethick (1)
Jayne Dethick (1)
Jean Dethick (1)
Gladys Dethick (1)
Garry Dethick (1)
Elizabeth Dethick (1)
Eveline Dethick (1)
Florence Dethick (1)
Frederick Dethick (1)
Jemma Dethick (1)

Dethick reversed is Kcihted
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Dethyck Dethjck Detheck Dethicka Dtehick Dethikc Dethcik

Rhymes: thick Schick chick hick geodesic lovesick ethic benthic derrick

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Dethick says: It comes from Death Oak - oak on which criminals were hanged - a Derbyshire place name

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Greece Australia Italy Austria Europe Spain


Writers: Janet Kinrade Dethick

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