Statistics and meaning of name Dicey

Usage: 40% firstname, 60% surname.
Dicey first name was found 118 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Dicey is used at least 173 times in at least 9 countries.
Origin of this name is French.
Name written with Chinese letters: 戴西 (pinyin: dài xī)

      Surname Dicey
Given names
John Dicey (5)
David Dicey (4)
Matthew Dicey (3)
Christopher Dicey (2)
Carol Dicey (2)
Simon Dicey (2)
Lesley Dicey (2)
Leslie Dicey (2)
James Dicey (2)
Patrick Dicey (1)
Phillip Dicey (1)
Philippa Dicey (1)
Neil Dicey (1)
Michelle Dicey (1)
Mike Dicey (1)
Prudence Dicey (1)
Richard Dicey (1)
Susan Dicey (1)
Zoe Dicey (1)
Stephen Dicey (1)
Sally Dicey (1)
Roy Dicey (1)
Michael Dicey (1)
Denise Dicey (1)
Jacqueline Dicey (1)
Joseph Dicey (1)
Georgina Dicey (1)
Barbara Dicey (1)
Betty Dicey (1)
Clive Dicey (1)
Kay Dicey (1)
Lauren Dicey (1)
Mararet Dicey (1)
Mathew Dicey (1)
Lilian Dicey (1)
Alan Dicey (1)
Lee Dicey (1)
Anthony Dicey (1)
Catherine Dicey (1)

Given name Dicey

Surname Dicey in USA   

Dicey reversed is Yecid
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Dicye Iedyc Eycid Ydiec Diecy Yiced
Misspells: Dycey Dicei Djcey Decey Diceya Dciey Dicye Diecy

Rhymes: pricey Chauncey Lacey Stacey Tracey spacey spicy chivy hyphae

Meaning of name Dicey is: Strong power; hardy power
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands United Kingdom South Africa Malaysia Brazil Canada India Iraq Thailand Japan Belgium France Switzerland Cyprus Korea Germany


Famous people: Edward James Stephen Dicey

Writers: Dicey Thomas, William Dicey, Dicey Deere, Edward Dicey, Dicey Taylor, Dicey Grenor, Venn Albert Dicey, Albert Venn Dicey, Albert Venn, 1835-1922 Dicey

Books: "Dicey's Song" "Dicey Tillerman. Bindungen." "Get dicey: play craps and have fun" "DICEY'S SONG (LIONS S.)" "Dicey's song" "Mina, Dicey Tillermans Freundin."

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