Statistics and meaning of name Dilsher

Usage: 97% firstname, 3% surname.
Dilsher first name was found 45 times in 11 different countries.
Surname Dilsher is used at least 1 times in at least 1 countries. (India)
Gender of firstname Dilsher is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.


Given name Dilsher
Family names
Dilsher Hikmat (1)
Dilsher Khalaf (1)
Dilsher Saleh (1)
Dilsher Razvan (1)
Dilsher Virk (1)
Dilsher Dulai (1)

Dilsher reversed is Rehslid
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Dlirseh Shidrel
Misspells: Dilshel Dilsherr Dilssher Dylsher Djlsher Delsher Dilshera Dlisher Dilshre Dilsehr

Rhymes: Britisher Englisher Fisher Frobisher Irisher blusher brasher pilfer silver fiercer quicksilver builder

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Dilsher says: ما معنى اسم Dilsher

This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States India Austria Sweden Israel United Kingdom Ireland Norway Iraq Canada Saudi Arabia China Algeria Italy


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