Statistics and meaning of name Djaferi

We have no records about Djaferi being used as firstname.
Surname Djaferi is used at least 18 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Djaferi
Given names
Miso Djaferi (1)
Mirsad Djaferi (1)
Refseta Djaferi (1)
Silven Djaferi (1)
Tefik Djaferi (1)
Skender Djaferi (1)
Ajriz Djaferi (1)
Serifa Djaferi (1)
Adem Djaferi (1)
Raffaela Djaferi (1)
Ismailhaki Djaferi (1)
Radiep Djaferi (1)
Musa Djaferi (1)
Amdi Djaferi (1)
Afrim Djaferi (1)

Surname Djaferi in Switzerland   

Djaferi reversed is Irefajd
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Dajifre Feajrid Fejdira Jaifred Ijdafre Irjeafd Riedfaj
Misspells: Djoferi Djafeli Djaferri Djafery Djaferj Diaferi Djafere Djaferia Dajferi Djafeir Djafrei

Rhymes: Alighieri Cheri Guarnieri Jeri Keri Sheri Teri surly curly burly pearly girlie

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Switzerland Germany France Italy Macedonia Cyprus Serbia


Writers: Sophia P. Djaferis, Theodore Euclid Djaferis

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