Statistics and meaning of name Dodoi
We have no records about Dodoi being used as firstname.
Surname Dodoi is used at least 69 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 百百井 (pinyin: bǎi bǎi jǐng)
Given names
Ioan Dodoi (5) Nicolae Dodoi (4) Ion Dodoi (4) Dumitru Dodoi (3) Victor Dodoi (2) Viorel Dodoi (2) Traian Dodoi (2) Petru Dodoi (2) Mihai Dodoi (2) Ovidiu Dodoi (2) Mariana Dodoi (2) Fanel Dodoi (2) Eugenia Dodoi (2) Constantin Dodoi (2) Costache Dodoi (2) Cristinel Dodoi (2) Costel Dodoi (2) Elena Dodoi (1) Else Dodoi (1) Eduard Dodoi (1) Valerica Dodoi (1) Stefan Dodoi (1) Alexandru Dodoi (1) Maria Dodoi (1) Elisabeta Dodoi (1) Gheorghita Dodoi (1) Doina Dodoi (1) Cecilia Dodoi (1) Aurel Dodoi (1) Ilie Dodoi (1) Ana Dodoi (1) Mihaela Dodoi (1) Antonica Dodoi (1) Lucia Dodoi (1) Adrian Dodoi (1) Mitrica Dodoi (1) |
Dodoi reversed is Iodod
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Dodio Oodid Oidod Idood Doodi Iodod
Misspells: Dodoy Dodoj Dodoe Dodoia Ddooi Dodio Doodi
Rhymes: boy enjoy joy toy deploy
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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