Statistics and meaning of name Doft

Usage: 4% firstname, 96% surname.
Doft first name was found 5 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Doft is used at least 110 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Doft
Given names
Ben Doft (2)
Benjamin Doft (2)
Leonard Doft (1)
Jeanne Doft (1)
Anthony Doft (1)

Surname Doft in USA   

Doft reversed is Tfod
Name contains 4 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Dotf Dfot Tfod Tofd
Misspells: Dofta Dfot Dotf

Rhymes: Ashcroft Bancroft Microsoft Zoloft aloft hayloft loft doffed coughed scoffed

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Netherlands Sweden


Writers: Tony Doft, Norma Doft, Peter S. Doft

Books: "En Doft Av Apelsin" "En doft av rosor"

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