Statistics and meaning of name Dolanc

We have no records about Dolanc being used as firstname.
Surname Dolanc is used at least 23 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 多兰茨 (pinyin: duō lán cí)

      Surname Dolanc
Given names
Thomas Dolanc (1)
Bostjan Dolanc (1)
Mojca Dolanc (1)
Zeljko Dolanc (1)
Hans Dolanc (1)
Detlef Dolanc (1)
Gerard Dolanc (1)
Jerney Dolanc (1)
Marie Dolanc (1)
Franz Dolanc (1)
Audrey Dolanc (1)

Surname Dolanc in USA   

Dolanc reversed is Cnalod
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Dalnoc Ldonac Oldacn Dlonca
Misspells: Dolonc Dolanca Dloanc Dolacn Dolnac

Rhymes: Leblanc franc bronc manque honk bonk conk

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Ivan Dolanc says: Dollanc is NOT a misspell. I have a birth certificate from Grandpa from 1916 , and this correct form of the surname . Under communism they are kicked out of the use of one of the letters l

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