Statistics and meaning of name Donataccio

We have no records about Donataccio being used as firstname.
Surname Donataccio is used at least 48 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 多纳塔乔 (pinyin: duō nà tǎ qiáo)

      Surname Donataccio
Given names
Matteo Donataccio (3)
Raffaele Donataccio (3)
Angelo Donataccio (2)
Giulio Donataccio (2)
Domenico Donataccio (2)
Graziella Donataccio (1)
Vincenzo Donataccio (1)
Michelina Donataccio (1)
Rosa Donataccio (1)
Maria Donataccio (1)
Anna Donataccio (1)
Antonio Donataccio (1)
Lino Donataccio (1)
Michele Donataccio (1)

Surname Donataccio in Italy   Surname Donataccio in USA   

Donataccio reversed is Oiccatanod
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Atidnoocac
Misspells: Donotaccio Donataccyo Donataccjo Donatacceo Donataccioa Dnoataccio Donataccoi Donatacico

Rhymes: Boccaccio Horacio Ignacio Lucio Mauricio prodigieux traductio harmonieux conjugio repartimiento

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Australia Switzerland Italy Germany


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