Statistics and meaning of name Donzey
We have no records about Donzey being used as firstname.
Surname Donzey is used at least 29 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 东泽 (pinyin: dōng zé)
Given names
Marcel Donzey (2) Isabelle Donzey (2) Serge Donzey (2) Laurence Donzey (1) Nicole Donzey (1) Laurent Donzey (1) Guy Donzey (1) Sandrine Donzey (1) Sophie Donzey (1) Camille Donzey (1) Virginie Donzey (1) Olivier Donzey (1) Cathy Donzey (1) Eric Donzey (1) Elisa Donzey (1) Geoffrey Donzey (1) Brigitte Donzey (1) Victor Donzey (1) Aurore Donzey (1) Bernard Donzey (1) |
Donzey reversed is Yeznod
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Onzyde Yozend Ndoezy Zyndeo Ezydno Ondeyz
Misspells: Donzei Donzeya Dnozey Donzye Donezy
Rhymes: tawny bonny bonnie body party
Meaning of this name is unknown.
donzey says: meaning in TIbetan- as beautiful as flame. Origin Tibetan
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