Statistics and meaning of name Dorcu

We have no records about Dorcu being used as firstname.
Surname Dorcu is used at least 192 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,UK)
Origin of this name is Bulgarian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 多尔库 (pinyin: duō ěr kù)

Given names
Mihai Dorcu (10)
Iosif Dorcu (7)
Petrica Dorcu (7)
Ioan Dorcu (7)
Daniela Dorcu (6)
Anton Dorcu (6)
Aurel Dorcu (6)
Ionel Dorcu (5)
Marian Dorcu (4)
Petre Dorcu (4)
Verona Dorcu (4)
Gheorghe Dorcu (4)
Viorel Dorcu (3)
Eugen Dorcu (3)
Elena Dorcu (3)
Maria Dorcu (3)
Tereza Dorcu (3)
Stefan Dorcu (3)
Vasile Dorcu (3)
Petru Dorcu (3)
Robert Dorcu (3)
Iuliana Dorcu (2)
Valentina Dorcu (2)
Nazarel Dorcu (2)
Paraschiva Dorcu (2)
Mihaita Dorcu (2)
Maricel Dorcu (2)
Alexandru Dorcu (2)
Margareta Dorcu (2)
Valerian Dorcu (2)
Filipina Dorcu (2)
Damian Dorcu (2)
Dan Dorcu (2)
Costinela Dorcu (2)
Constantin Dorcu (2)
Artur Dorcu (2)
Aurelia Dorcu (2)
Danut Dorcu (2)
Petrea Dorcu (2)
Gabriel Dorcu (2)
Silvia Dorcu (2)
Pavel Dorcu (2)
Eugenia Dorcu (2)
Veronica Dorcu (2)
Emil Dorcu (2)
Ion Dorcu (2)
Veroana Dorcu (1)
Iulian Dorcu (1)
Josif Dorcu (1)
Genoveva Dorcu (1)
Cornel Dorcu (1)
Valerica Dorcu (1)
Antonio Dorcu (1)
Stefanica Dorcu (1)
Luca Dorcu (1)
Daria Dorcu (1)
Domnica Dorcu (1)
Elisabeta Dorcu (1)
Costica Dorcu (1)
Clara Dorcu (1)
Angela Dorcu (1)
Anisoara Dorcu (1)
Francisc Dorcu (1)
Ileana Dorcu (1)
Mihaela Dorcu (1)
Paul Dorcu (1)
Ramona Dorcu (1)
Mariana Dorcu (1)
Liliana Dorcu (1)
Isidor Dorcu (1)
Jenica Dorcu (1)
Sebastian Dorcu (1)

Dorcu reversed is Ucrod
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Doruc Ocdur Curod Udocr Docur Docru Rocud Drouc
Misspells: Dolcu Dorrcu Dorcua Drocu Doruc Docru

Rhymes: horseshoe cornu corkscrew

Meaning of name Dorcu is: from the Bulgarian name [Dorco]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Mexico United Kingdom Turkey Canada Germany


Old Wiki
Name: Dorcu
Language: Romanian
Origin: Bulgarian
Meaning: from the Bulgarian name Dorco

Famous people: Dorcus Inzikuru

Writers: Roy M. Dorcus

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