Statistics and meaning of name Dorohoi
We have no records about Dorohoi being used as firstname.
Surname Dorohoi is used at least 52 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Russian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 多罗霍伊 (pinyin: duō luō huò yī)
Given names
Elena Dorohoi (4) Gabriela Dorohoi (3) Vasile Dorohoi (3) Adrian Dorohoi (2) Mariana Dorohoi (2) Stefan Dorohoi (2) Viorica Dorohoi (2) Valeriu Dorohoi (2) Neculai Dorohoi (2) Ilie Dorohoi (2) Cornelia Dorohoi (2) Carmen Dorohoi (2) Dumitru Dorohoi (2) Danut Dorohoi (2) Evdochin Dorohoi (2) George Dorohoi (1) Victor Dorohoi (1) Alexandru Dorohoi (1) Valentin Dorohoi (1) Teofil Dorohoi (1) Maria Dorohoi (1) Ioan Dorohoi (1) Gabriel Dorohoi (1) Costache Dorohoi (1) Ionut Dorohoi (1) |
Dorohoi reversed is Iohorod
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.
Anagrams: Ohodior Dooriho Hirodoo Iodrooh Oihdoro Oodiroh
Misspells: Dolohoi Dorrohoi Dorohoy Dorohoj Dorohoe Dorohoia Droohoi Dorohio Doroohi
Rhymes: Bolshoi Khoikhoi corduroy destroy deploy soy foi
Meaning of name Dorohoi is: from the Russian word 'dorohoj' = dear
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