Statistics and meaning of name Doruntina

Doruntina first name was found 14 times in 6 different countries.
We didn't find anyone with surname Doruntina.
Origin of this name is Albanian.
Gender of firstname Doruntina is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.


Given name Doruntina
Family names
Doruntina Citaku (2)
Doruntina Ramani (2)
Doruntina Imeri (1)
Doruntina Lushtak (1)
Doruntina Deva (1)
Doruntina Shabanaj (1)
Doruntina Konjuvca (1)
Doruntina Ramadani (1)
Doruntina Rrusta (1)
Doruntina Bekteshi (1)

Doruntina reversed is Anitnurod
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Draniutno Itanrudno Nnaridtuo Irtonadnu
Misspells: Doruntino Doluntina Dorruntina Doruntyna Doruntjna Doruntena Doruntinaa Drountina Doruntian Doruntnia

Rhymes: Argentina Christina Cristina Katina Kristina Latina patina subpoena ballerina sonatina foramina

Meaning of name Doruntina is: known from the Albanian legend of Konstandin and Doruntina ('Konstandini dhe Doruntina')
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