Statistics and meaning of name Douchy

We have no records about Douchy being used as firstname.
Surname Douchy is used at least 161 times in at least 7 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 杜希 (pinyin: dù xī)

      Surname Douchy
Given names
Eric Douchy (5)
Patrick Douchy (4)
Andre Douchy (3)
Jean Douchy (3)
Pierre Douchy (3)
Michel Douchy (3)
Rene Douchy (3)
Nicolas Douchy (2)
Jacques Douchy (2)
Mauricette Douchy (2)
Franck Douchy (2)
Antoinette Douchy (2)
Claude Douchy (2)
Charles Douchy (2)
David Douchy (2)
Christiane Douchy (2)
Cecile Douchy (2)
Philippe Douchy (2)
Dominique Douchy (2)
Matthieu Douchy (1)
Pascal Douchy (1)
Lydia Douchy (1)
Paul Douchy (1)
Germain Douchy (1)
Gerard Douchy (1)
Georges Douchy (1)
Francis Douchy (1)
Sabine Douchy (1)
Gilberte Douchy (1)
Louise Douchy (1)
Johann Douchy (1)
Ludovic Douchy (1)
Yohann Douchy (1)
Monique Douchy (1)
Marine Douchy (1)
Genevieve Douchy (1)
Francoise Douchy (1)
Astrid Douchy (1)
Barbara Douchy (1)
Daniele Douchy (1)
Martin Douchy (1)
Bernhard Douchy (1)
Anthony Douchy (1)
Sylvain Douchy (1)
Florence Douchy (1)
Xavier Douchy (1)
Viviane Douchy (1)
Yvette Douchy (1)
Alexandra Douchy (1)
Raphael Douchy (1)
Evelyne Douchy (1)
Denise Douchy (1)
Solange Douchy (1)
Aude Douchy (1)
Simon Douchy (1)
Sandrine Douchy (1)
Radhia Douchy (1)
Sylvie Douchy (1)
Joel Douchy (1)
Robert Douchy (1)
Josette Douchy (1)
Aurelie Douchy (1)
Noel Douchy (1)
Madeleine Douchy (1)
Roger Douchy (1)
James Douchy (1)
Serge Douchy (1)
Christine Douchy (1)
Denis Douchy (1)
Emmanuel Douchy (1)
Emile Douchy (1)
Bernard Douchy (1)
Michele Douchy (1)
Luc Douchy (1)
Guy Douchy (1)
Edouard Douchy (1)
Melanie Douchy (1)
Vanessa Douchy (1)
Cathy Douchy (1)
Caroline Douchy (1)
Cesar Douchy (1)
Celine Douchy (1)
Thierry Douchy (1)
Clothilde Douchy (1)
Veronique Douchy (1)
Olivier Douchy (1)
Benjamin Douchy (1)
Christian Douchy (1)
Danielle Douchy (1)
Claudine Douchy (1)
Claire Douchy (1)

Surname Douchy in France   Surname Douchy in USA   

Douchy reversed is Yhcuod
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Odcuyh Oucydh Dcuhoy Yochud Udohcy Oudcyh Cyudho Duohyc Hcyduo Oudhyc
Misspells: Douchi Douchya Duochy Doucyh Douhcy

Rhymes: grouchy slouchy touchy Cauchy duchy traduce duty booty booby tutti

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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