Statistics and meaning of name Doustdar

We have no records about Doustdar being used as firstname.
Surname Doustdar is used at least 17 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Doustdar
Given names
Mohammad Doustdar (2)

Surname Doustdar in USA   

Doustdar reversed is Radtsuod
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Sduortad Sdudtaro Orsadutd
Misspells: Doustdor Doustdal Doustdarr Dousstdar Doustdara Duostdar Doustdra Doustadr

Rhymes: Adar Cheddar Hadar Krasnodar Pindar Schedar calendar dower jour outwore lour

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Bahman Doustdar says: The meaning of the word "Doustdar": it is a 100% Persian (Iranian) word. The first part, namely "Doust" is derived from the verb "Doust Daashtan" (to like or to love. The second part, namely "dar" (pronounced "daar") is derived from the verb "Daashtan" (to have). Doust also means friend in Persian. Together, Doust+dar means the one who loves or like, it also means "lover". For example "doustdar-e haqiqat" means "truth-lover" or "doustdar-e tabiat" means "the one who loves nature", etc.

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