Statistics and meaning of name Dragoiescu

We have no records about Dragoiescu being used as firstname.
Surname Dragoiescu is used at least 39 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.

      Surname Dragoiescu
Given names
Constantin Dragoiescu (3)
Elena Dragoiescu (3)
Gheorghe Dragoiescu (3)
Ion Dragoiescu (2)
Nicolae Dragoiescu (2)
Bujor Dragoiescu (2)
Constanta Dragoiescu (2)
Paul Dragoiescu (1)
Patru Dragoiescu (1)
Valentin Dragoiescu (1)
Victor Dragoiescu (1)
Versavia Dragoiescu (1)
Maria Dragoiescu (1)
Petru Dragoiescu (1)
Ioan Dragoiescu (1)
Dorin Dragoiescu (1)
Cristina Dragoiescu (1)
Draghina Dragoiescu (1)
Emil Dragoiescu (1)
Lucsita Dragoiescu (1)
Calin Dragoiescu (1)
Ludovic Dragoiescu (1)

Dragoiescu reversed is Ucseiogard
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Gordeicusa Ceodgarsui Cesodigrau Gocdaursie
Misspells: Drogoiescu Dlagoiescu Drragoiescu Dragoiesscu Dragoyescu Dragojescu Dragoeescu Dragoiescua Dargoiescu Dragoiesuc Dragoiecsu

Rhymes: Ceausescu rescue menu nephew venue parvenu

Meaning of name Dragoiescu is: the same as [Dragoi], see toponym 'Dragoiesti'; Drăgoiescu
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Netherlands Thailand United Kingdom Mexico


Old Wiki
Name: Dragoiescu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Dragoi, see toponym Dragoiesti
Comments: Drăgoiescu

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