Statistics and meaning of name Dubaux

We have no records about Dubaux being used as firstname.
Surname Dubaux is used at least 78 times in at least 1 countries. (France)
Name written with Chinese letters: 迪博 (pinyin: dí bó)

Given names
Philippe Dubaux (3)
Dominique Dubaux (2)
Eric Dubaux (2)
Daniel Dubaux (2)
Claude Dubaux (2)
Gerard Dubaux (2)
Aurelie Dubaux (2)
Pierre Dubaux (2)
Isabelle Dubaux (2)
Solene Dubaux (2)
Roger Dubaux (1)
Virginie Dubaux (1)
Valerie Dubaux (1)
Catherine Dubaux (1)
Therese Dubaux (1)
Valery Dubaux (1)
Rene Dubaux (1)
Bruno Dubaux (1)
Frederic Dubaux (1)
Gisele Dubaux (1)
Jacques Dubaux (1)
Patrick Dubaux (1)
Martial Dubaux (1)
Yvette Dubaux (1)
Yves Dubaux (1)
David Dubaux (1)
Marie Dubaux (1)
Louis Dubaux (1)
Micheline Dubaux (1)
Robert Dubaux (1)
Paul Dubaux (1)
Gilles Dubaux (1)
Helene Dubaux (1)
Albert Dubaux (1)
Andre Dubaux (1)
Anne Dubaux (1)
Adeline Dubaux (1)
Fabrice Dubaux (1)
Geoffrey Dubaux (1)
Natalie Dubaux (1)
Bertrand Dubaux (1)
Coline Dubaux (1)
Annie Dubaux (1)
Aymeric Dubaux (1)
Francis Dubaux (1)
Francois Dubaux (1)
Jeanne Dubaux (1)
Julien Dubaux (1)
Fernande Dubaux (1)
Claire Dubaux (1)
Caroline Dubaux (1)
Christine Dubaux (1)
Christophe Dubaux (1)
Luc Dubaux (1)

Surname Dubaux in France   

Dubaux reversed is Xuabud
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Udabxu Ubaxdu Dabuux Ubdaxu Dbuuxa Ubduxa
Misspells: Duboux Dubauxa Dbuaux Dubaxu Dubuax

Rhymes: Bordeaux Lascaux Malraux beaux bureaux châteaux plateaux studio patio tableau tableaux below

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States Australia Europe

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