Statistics and meaning of name Dutschmann

Usage: 9% firstname, 91% surname.
Dutschmann first name was found 11 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Germany)
Surname Dutschmann is used at least 101 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 杜奇曼 (pinyin: dù jī màn)

      Surname Dutschmann
Given names
Magdalena Dutschmann (2)
Pfarrer Dutschmann (1)
Karla Dutschmann (1)
Henri Dutschmann (1)
Uwe Dutschmann (1)

Family names
Dutschmann Farben (1)

Surname Dutschmann in Germany   Surname Dutschmann in USA   

Dutschmann reversed is Nnamhcstud
Name contains 10 letters - 20.00% vowels and 80.00% consonants.

Misspells: Dutschmonn Dutsschmann Dutschmanna Dtuschmann Dutschmnan

Rhymes: Eichmann Bertelsmann Boltzmann Bultmann Hauptmann Lippmann scutcheon escutcheon dudgeon piton

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Dutschmann says: Dutch - Holländisch Mann - Person / man

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Russian Federation Thailand Switzerland


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