Statistics and meaning of name Ehiogu

We have no records about Ehiogu being used as firstname.
Surname Ehiogu is used at least 45 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Ehiogu
Given names
Ugo Ehiogu (6)
Gemma Ehiogu (4)
Uzo Ehiogu (3)
Zoe Ehiogu (2)
Kelechi Ehiogu (2)
Daniel Ehiogu (2)
Olzo Ehiogu (1)
Ola Ehiogu (1)
Nnamdi Ehiogu (1)
Chike Ehiogu (1)
Grace Ehiogu (1)
Alozie Ehiogu (1)
Nnandi Ehiogu (1)

Surname Ehiogu in USA   

Ehiogu reversed is Ugoihe
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Uhogie Iehgou Eihguo Hieguo
Misspells: Ehyogu Ehjogu Eheogu Ehiogua Eihogu Ehioug Ehigou

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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