Statistics and meaning of name Eliete

Usage: 99% firstname, 1% surname.
Eliete first name was found 5091 times in 14 different countries.
Surname Eliete is used at least 8 times in at least 4 countries.
Gender of firstname Eliete is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 埃列特 (pinyin: āi liè té)

      Surname Eliete
Given names
Ringuissai Eliete (1)

Given name Eliete
Family names
Eliete Marmelada (2)
Eliete Rodrigues (2)
Eliete Cardoso (2)
Eliete Marques (1)
Eliete Silva (1)
Eliete Boncalbes (1)
Eliete Ferricchio (1)
Eliete Althaus (1)
Eliete Prytz (1)
Eliete Pereira (1)
Eliete Fernandes (1)
Eliete Burel (1)
Eliete Henman (1)
Eliete Owen (1)
Eliete Franco (1)
Eliete Leclerc (1)
Eliete Antoneli (1)
Eliete Eiterer (1)
Eliete Nascimento (1)
Eliete Kiffen (1)

Surname Eliete in USA   

Eliete reversed is Eteile
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Eletie Ieltee Eiltee Lietee
Misspells: Elyete Eljete Eleete Elietea Eilete Elieet Elitee

Rhymes: Crete Paraclete Pete aesthete athlete compete complete treat elite fleet greet effete

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Eliete says: Eli - "deus" ete - sufixo grego "alegria"

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Brazil Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Germany Hong Kong Ireland Russian Federation Thailand Poland Canada Mexico Netherlands Austria Argentina Portugal Denmark


Writers: Eliete de Queiróz Gurjão

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