Statistics and meaning of name Elysha
Usage: 98% firstname, 2% surname.
Elysha first name was found 275 times in 10 different countries.
Surname Elysha is used at least 5 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Greek.
Gender of firstname Elysha is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.
Family names Elysha Fairholm (2) Elysha Gordon (2) Elysha Wallis (2) Elysha Mawji (1) Elysha Nestler (1) Elysha Punnett (1) Elysha Wind (1) Elysha Verboom (1) Elysha Summerfield (1) Elysha Nixon (1) Elysha Poolton (1) Elysha Buma (1) Elysha Antonio (1) Elysha Poirier (1) Elysha Collett (1) Elysha Narine (1) Elysha Whissell (1) Elysha Gabriel (1) Elysha Ismail (1) |
Elysha reversed is Ahsyle
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Lesyah Lysaeh Esyhla Lyesah Eylhas Lyehas
Misspells: Elysho Elyssha Elisha Elyshaa Eylsha Elysah Elyhsa
Rhymes: Aisha Alisha Changsha Elisha Falasha Ganesha Keisha replica angelica lexica
Meaning of name Elysha is: Struck by lightning
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