Statistics and meaning of name Embiricos

We have no records about Embiricos being used as firstname.
Surname Embiricos is used at least 55 times in at least 7 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 昂比里科 (pinyin: áng bǐ lǐ kē)

      Surname Embiricos
Given names
Alexander Embiricos (4)
Nitzia Embiricos (3)
Anthony Embiricos (3)
George Embiricos (3)
Sophie Embiricos (3)
Maria Embiricos (3)
Julia Embiricos (2)
Georges Embiricos (2)
Nicholas Embiricos (2)
John Embiricos (2)
Alexandra Embiricos (2)
Tracy Embiricos (1)
Titika Embiricos (1)
Zeina Embiricos (1)
Alex Embiricos (1)
Violando Embiricos (1)
Andreas Embiricos (1)
Philippe Embiricos (1)
Adriana Embiricos (1)
James Embiricos (1)
Ben Embiricos (1)
Basil Embiricos (1)
Nyree Embiricos (1)
Angela Embiricos (1)
Elizabeth Embiricos (1)

Surname Embiricos in Switzerland   Surname Embiricos in USA   

Embiricos reversed is Sociribme
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Miesbiroc Cisobierm Cbimoseri Riebomsic
Misspells: Embilicos Embirricos Embiricoss Embyricos Embjricos Embericos Embiricosa Ebmiricos Embiricso Embiriocs

Rhymes: calicos politicos porticos Marcos Pecos broncos embryos undergoes impose propose dispose

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Micheal Rossi says: Those are really interesting about the meaning or about the origins of this name. Sometime I have not been see that before. I notice that sometime my family did not tell me about it else. Thanks God find out about it !

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom France Switzerland Greece Canada Netherlands Spain Bolivia Russian Federation Europe Australia Malaysia Germany Belgium Bulgaria Panama Mexico Austria Hong Kong New Zealand Italy South Africa Thailand Ireland Brazil


Writers: Andreas Embiricos

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or about the origins of this name?
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