Statistics and meaning of name Epurescu
We have no records about Epurescu being used as firstname.
Surname Epurescu is used at least 169 times in at least 5 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 埃普雷斯库 (pinyin: āi pǔ léi sī kù)
Given names
Ion Epurescu (15) Constantin Epurescu (7) Elena Epurescu (6) Andrei Epurescu (5) Maria Epurescu (5) Marilena Epurescu (4) Alexandrina Epurescu (4) Stana Epurescu (4) Stan Epurescu (4) Dumitru Epurescu (3) Ilie Epurescu (3) Vlad Epurescu (3) Gheorghe Epurescu (3) Ileana Epurescu (2) Minodora Epurescu (2) Ioan Epurescu (2) Laurentiu Epurescu (2) Stefan Epurescu (2) Marin Epurescu (2) George Epurescu (2) Marcel Epurescu (2) Iosefina Epurescu (2) Florin Epurescu (2) Vasile Epurescu (2) Valentina Epurescu (2) Gabriela Epurescu (2) Ana Epurescu (2) Alexandru Epurescu (2) Adriana Epurescu (2) Alexandra Epurescu (2) Ecaterina Epurescu (2) Daniel Epurescu (2) Titi Epurescu (2) Rada Epurescu (2) Tudor Epurescu (2) Traian Epurescu (2) Valentin Epurescu (2) Elisabeta Epurescu (2) Silviu Epurescu (1) Romulus Epurescu (1) Sofia Epurescu (1) Teodor Epurescu (1) Victoria Epurescu (1) Toma Epurescu (1) Jenica Epurescu (1) Eleonora Epurescu (1) Fanica Epurescu (1) Floarea Epurescu (1) Culita Epurescu (1) Camelia Epurescu (1) Andreea Epurescu (1) Aurel Epurescu (1) Florea Epurescu (1) Florian Epurescu (1) Nicolae Epurescu (1) Nicu Epurescu (1) Mihai Epurescu (1) Mariana Epurescu (1) Madalina Epurescu (1) Marian Epurescu (1) Pavel Epurescu (1) |
Epurescu reversed is Ucserupe
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Reupuecs Cursepue Cpuusree Epucerus Cpeursue Uepucesr Uspeceur Seerucpu
Misspells: Epulescu Epurrescu Epuresscu Epurescua Euprescu Epuresuc Epurecsu
Rhymes: Ceausescu rescue parvenu menu venue sensu
Meaning of name Epurescu is: the same as [Epure], see also the toponymic name 'Epureşti' and 'Iepureşti'
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Epurescu Language: Romanian Meaning: the same as Epure, see also the toponymic name Epureşti and Iepureşti Comments: |
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