Statistics and meaning of name Ercuta
We have no records about Ercuta being used as firstname.
Surname Ercuta is used at least 69 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,UK)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Ion Ercuta (5) Nicolae Ercuta (4) Viorica Ercuta (3) Florica Ercuta (3) Aurel Ercuta (2) Neculai Ercuta (2) Mihai Ercuta (2) Nita Ercuta (2) Viorel Ercuta (2) Radu Ercuta (2) Rada Ercuta (2) Ioana Ercuta (2) Lucian Ercuta (2) Elisabeta Ercuta (2) Constantin Ercuta (2) Florinel Ercuta (2) Dumitra Ercuta (2) Corneliu Ercuta (2) Ilie Ercuta (2) Gheorghe Ercuta (2) Vasilica Ercuta (1) Aurelia Ercuta (1) Mihaela Ercuta (1) Andrei Ercuta (1) Traian Ercuta (1) Ecaterina Ercuta (1) Georgeta Ercuta (1) Magdalena Ercuta (1) Mircea Ercuta (1) Elena Ercuta (1) Olga Ercuta (1) |
Ercuta reversed is Atucre
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Reucat Arutce Certua Uacetr Rcetau
Misspells: Ercuto Elcuta Errcuta Ercutaa Ecruta Ercuat Erctua
Meaning of name Ercuta is: the same as [Iarca] plus the suffix '-uţă'; Ercuţă
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Ercuta Language: Romanian Meaning: the same as Iarca plus the suffix -uţă Comments: Ercuţă |
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