Statistics and meaning of name Erdl

We have no records about Erdl being used as firstname.
Surname Erdl is used at least 42 times in at least 7 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 埃德尔 (pinyin: āi dé ěr)

      Surname Erdl
Given names
Michael Erdl (3)
Werner Erdl (3)
Silvia Erdl (2)
Hans Erdl (2)
Johann Erdl (2)
Alex Erdl (2)
Mathias Erdl (1)
Max Erdl (1)
Manfred Erdl (1)
Ilse Erdl (1)
Magnus Erdl (1)
Rudolf Erdl (1)
Rupert Erdl (1)
Wilhelm Erdl (1)
Ursula Erdl (1)
Klaus Erdl (1)
Susanne Erdl (1)
Sandra Erdl (1)
Therese Erdl (1)
Gabriele Erdl (1)
Katharina Erdl (1)
Alexandra Erdl (1)
Ingrid Erdl (1)
Catherine Erdl (1)
Kurt Erdl (1)
Anja Erdl (1)
Charlotte Erdl (1)
Gerda Erdl (1)
Elisabeth Erdl (1)
Franz Erdl (1)
Fabian Erdl (1)
Hildegard Erdl (1)

Surname Erdl in Austria   Surname Erdl in Germany   

Erdl reversed is Ldre
Name contains 4 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ledr Rdel
Misspells: Eldl Errdl Erdla Edrl Erld

Rhymes: medal pedal meddle peddle treadle

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States Netherlands Austria Europe Colombia Greece Thailand Malaysia United Kingdom France


Famous people: Franz Ertl

Writers: Sally Erdle, Marc Fabian Erdl, Thomas Alan Erdle, Birgit R. Erdle

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