Statistics and meaning of name Erics

Usage: 50% firstname, 50% surname.
Erics first name was found 33 times in 8 different countries.
Surname Erics is used at least 33 times in at least 10 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 埃里克斯 (pinyin: āi lǐ kè sī)

      Surname Erics
Given names
Sandra Erics (2)
Justin Erics (2)
Nicola Erics (2)
Segana Erics (1)
Segawa Erics (1)
Arnis Erics (1)
Guntis Erics (1)
Bruno Erics (1)
Nicky Erics (1)
Linda Erics (1)
Christos Erics (1)
Caroline Erics (1)
Sarah Erics (1)
Evelyn Erics (1)
George Erics (1)
Vello Erics (1)
Jody Erics (1)
Nicholas Erics (1)

Given name Erics
Family names
Erics Gourlier (1)
Erics Bigot (1)
Erics Vesna (1)
Erics Segawa (1)

Erics reversed is Scire
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Erisc Rcesi Csire Serci Ercis Srice
Misspells: Elics Errics Ericss Erycs Erjcs Erecs Ericsa Eircs Erisc Ercis

Rhymes: alphanumerics archbishoprics atmospherics bishoprics clerics eccentrics egocentrics derricks cl gen hyst atmosph

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Switzerland Latvia Malaysia Ukraine Germany United Kingdom Netherlands India


Famous people: Eric Albert Forman, Eric Haakonsson or Eric of Norway or Eric of Hlathir, Eric Anthony Roberts, Eric Idle

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