Statistics and meaning of name Euclid

Usage: 85% firstname, 15% surname.
Euclid first name was found 347 times in 14 different countries.
Surname Euclid is used at least 59 times in at least 6 countries.
Origin of this name is Greek.
Gender of firstname Euclid is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 欧几里德 (pinyin: ōu jī lǐ dé)

      Surname Euclid
Given names
Santos Euclid (1)

Given name Euclid
Family names
Euclid Ferrao (2)
Euclid Morin (1)
Euclid Beaulieu (1)
Euclid Gilkes (1)
Euclid Dore (1)
Euclid Gareau (1)
Euclid Rice (1)
Euclid Lapierre (1)
Euclid Goertz (1)
Euclid Hallpike (1)
Euclid Foucault (1)
Euclid Niles (1)
Euclid Roachford (1)
Euclid Tipaldi (1)
Euclid Liburd (1)
Euclid Skerritt (1)
Euclid Belgrave (1)
Euclid Mahon (1)
Euclid Valentini (1)
Euclid Mailloux (1)
Euclid Gallant (1)
Euclid Robichaud (1)
Euclid Sargeant (1)
Euclid Bourque (1)
Euclid Ouellette (1)
Euclid Laghai (1)
Euclid Tomlinson (1)
Euclid Comeault (1)
Euclid Hebert (1)
Euclid Gaudet (1)
Euclid Depatie (1)
Euclid Martin (1)
Euclid Bellefeuille (1)
Euclid Devonish (1)
Euclid Benoit (1)
Euclid Lafleur (1)
Euclid Robillard (1)
Euclid Ashby (1)
Euclid Gauthier (1)

Surname Euclid in USA   

Euclid reversed is Dilcue
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Elciud Dulice Uceldi Ecuidl Ildecu Uceidl
Misspells: Euclyd Eucljd Eucled Euclida Eculid Eucldi Eucild

Rhymes: Khalid Premyslid backslid eyelid gelid invalid landslid routed roosted boosted brooded eluded

Meaning of name Euclid is: Glorious
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Egypt Germany Iraq Canada France Poland India Netherlands Thailand Philippines Russian Federation Cyprus Jordan Saudi Arabia


Famous people: Euclid Beach Park

Writers: Euclid, Euclid Euclid, Jim Euclid, Aristoteles Euclides, Euclides Miyaura, Euclides Da, James Euclid, Euclid Seeram, Euclide Daigle, Euclid Tsakalotos, Euclide Lefebvre, Euclid Elements, Thursday Euclid, J. Euclide Caza, Euclid O. Smith, Thomas Little Euclid, Euclides L. Calloni, Euclid A. Rose, Theodore Euclid Djaferis

Books: "Euclid: the creation of mathematics" "Janela de Euclides, A" "Euclid shudders" "Early editions of Euclid's Elements" "Public school Euclid and algebra" "Euclid Golf neighborhood" "A long way from Euclid" "Story of Euclid"

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