Statistics and meaning of name Exequiel

Usage: 91% firstname, 9% surname.
Exequiel first name was found 1028 times in 21 different countries.
Surname Exequiel is used at least 96 times in at least 6 countries.
Gender of firstname Exequiel is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.

      Surname Exequiel
Given names
Rivera Exequiel (1)

Given name Exequiel
Family names
Exequiel Gallardo (2)
Exequiel Godoy (1)
Exequiel Zorrilla (1)
Exequiel Corvalan (1)
Exequiel Aguirre (1)
Exequiel Puigpinos (1)
Exequiel Tuelma (1)
Exequiel Staforelli (1)
Exequiel Leiva (1)
Exequiel Olivares (1)
Exequiel Pino (1)
Exequiel Galban (1)
Exequiel Dalmacio (1)
Exequiel Aguilar (1)
Exequiel Millado (1)
Exequiel Mendoza (1)
Exequiel Angulo (1)
Exequiel Tan (1)
Exequiel Cunanan (1)
Exequiel Maralit (1)
Exequiel Parodi (1)
Exequiel Rola (1)

Surname Exequiel in USA   

Exequiel reversed is Leiuqexe
Name contains 8 letters - 62.50% vowels and 37.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Eeqiuxle Exeliqeu Exeeqilu
Misspells: Exequyel Exeguiel Exequjel Exequeel Exequiela Eexquiel Exequile Exequeil

Rhymes: Ariel Daniel Ezekiel Gabriel Kiel McDaniel Muriel excel expel cell fell sell

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Argentina Philippines Brazil Sweden Netherlands Chile United Kingdom Norway Switzerland Germany India China


Famous people: Exequiel Bellaflor Javier

Writers: Exequiel Gonzalez, Exequiel Ezcurra

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