Statistics and meaning of name Exshaw

We have no records about Exshaw being used as firstname.
Surname Exshaw is used at least 34 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Exshaw
Given names
Serge Exshaw (3)
Richard Exshaw (2)
Edwin Exshaw (2)
Angela Exshaw (2)
Veronique Exshaw (2)
William Exshaw (2)
Helene Exshaw (1)
Cendrine Exshaw (1)
Patricia Exshaw (1)
Frederic Exshaw (1)
Daniel Exshaw (1)
Ronald Exshaw (1)
Caroline Exshaw (1)
Brigitte Exshaw (1)
Florence Exshaw (1)
Christian Exshaw (1)
Lloyd Exshaw (1)
Susan Exshaw (1)
Severine Exshaw (1)
Dave Exshaw (1)
Barbara Exshaw (1)

Surname Exshaw in France   

Exshaw reversed is Wahsxe
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Ehsaxw Sexahw Xsehwa Esxawh Ahwesx Xseawh
Misspells: Exshow Exsshaw Exshavv Exshawa Esxhaw Exshwa Exsahw

Rhymes: Bradshaw pshaw rickshaw scrimshaw

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France United Kingdom Ireland Canada Australia United Arab Emirates Hong Kong Spain Russian Federation Thailand India Europe China Germany


Famous people: Edward William Exshaw, Charles Exshaw

Books: "Exshaw: heart of the valley"

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