Statistics and meaning of name Eyheramono
We have no records about Eyheramono being used as firstname.
Surname Eyheramono is used at least 15 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Argentina)
Given names
Christiane Eyheramono (1) Nathalie Eyheramono (1) Jacques Eyheramono (1) Marina Eyheramono (1) Laurent Eyheramono (1) Michel Eyheramono (1) Philippe Eyheramono (1) Sebastien Eyheramono (1) Louise Eyheramono (1) Ginette Eyheramono (1) Muriel Eyheramono (1) Celine Eyheramono (1) Frederic Eyheramono (1) |
![Surname Eyheramono in France Surname Eyheramono in France](/img/France/Eyheramono.jpg)
Eyheramono reversed is Onomarehye
Name contains 10 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Yoreehoanm Eryemanooh Eymeharnoo Oenehyraom
Misspells: Eyheromono Eyhelamono Eyherramono Eiheramono Eyheramonoa Ehyeramono Eyheramoon Eyheramnoo
Rhymes: kimono mono Pocono mano soprano guano llano parmigiano
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Sandra Faux says: My grand-mother's name is Suzanne Eyheramono (before being married). She had 4 children with my grand-father Jean Deldebes: 2 girls and 2 boys. I am the eldest child of her first child (daughter). I saw in the list of people from my family on this website, one of my grandmother's sister aka Louise. My great grand-father's name was Vincent Eyheramono. Up to my grand-mother's generation the familly is 100% Basque. I don't remember exactly about the last name meaning but it is something like "from the house of...". I'm not 100% sure about this as I've heard it last as a child... Maybe this will help.
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