Statistics and meaning of name Fabulous

Usage: 51% firstname, 49% surname.
Fabulous first name was found 57 times in 10 different countries.
Surname Fabulous is used at least 53 times in at least 9 countries.
Gender of firstname Fabulous is 20% feminine and 80% masculine.

      Surname Fabulous
Given names
Hair Fabulous (1)
Odueki Fabulous (1)

Given name Fabulous
Family names
Fabulous Nails (1)
Fabulous Moyo (1)
Fabulous Flournoy (1)

Surname Fabulous in USA   

Fabulous reversed is Suolubaf
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ufbasluo Ubuolasf Uabsoufl Labufuso Uafbuosl Slabufou Boalufsu Olfubuas
Misspells: Fobulous Fabulouss Fabulousa Fbaulous Fabulosu Fabuluos

Rhymes: acidulous bibulous credulous garrulous incredulous meticulous miraculous scapulas annulus calculus

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria United Kingdom Germany India Thailand Switzerland Romania Canada Taiwan Netherlands


Writers: Fabulous Places Committee, Fabulous Sports Babe

Books: "Fabulous Faieries" "Fabulous Showman (Signet)" "Fabulous Bridges (Superstructures)" "Fabulous nobodies" "Fabulous time" "The fabulous Fondas" "Fabulous Chicago" "Fabulous Frisbee" "Fabulous Valley" "FABULOUS ONASSIS" "Fabulous Fit" "Fabulous Face" "The fabulous manticora" "Fabulous Gunman" "Fabulous Frogs" "Patons Fabulous Felting" "Fabulous Pasta"

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