Statistics and meaning of name Fagborun

We have no records about Fagborun being used as firstname.
Surname Fagborun is used at least 16 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,Nigeria)

Given names
Taye Fagborun (3)
Tayewo Fagborun (3)
Joel Fagborun (2)
Boluaji Fagborun (2)
Olayemi Fagborun (1)
Morayo Fagborun (1)
Abosede Fagborun (1)
Moretiola Fagborun (1)

Fagborun reversed is Nurobgaf
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Anburgof
Misspells: Fogborun Fagbolun Fagborrun Fagboruna Fgaborun Fagbornu Fagbourn

Rhymes: outrun overrun rerun run spline fron begun

Meaning of this name is unknown.

DR JOEL GBENGA FAGBORUN says: The name 'Fagborun' has its root in 'Ifa' deity of divination also called Orunmila. Ifa gba orun (Ifa takes the 5th day (market day in Yorubaland is 5th date). Or, rather, that we worship Ifa every five day.

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