Statistics and meaning of name Fagher

We have no records about Fagher being used as firstname.
Surname Fagher is used at least 24 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 法格 (pinyin: fǎ gé)

      Surname Fagher
Given names
Angela Fagher (2)
Markus Fagher (1)
Lena Fagher (1)
Kristina Fagher (1)
Mats Fagher (1)
Monica Fagher (1)
Tomas Fagher (1)
Olof Fagher (1)
Johan Fagher (1)
Ulla Fagher (1)
Jenny Fagher (1)
Amanda Fagher (1)
Lisa Fagher (1)
Kanders Fagher (1)
Ann Fagher (1)
Emma Fagher (1)
Henric Fagher (1)
Hans Fagher (1)
Anders Fagher (1)

Fagher reversed is Rehgaf
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Rahegf Gfaehr Fgaerh Agferh
Misspells: Fogher Faghel Fagherr Faghera Fgaher Faghre Fagehr

Rhymes: Gallagher burgher higher nigher rougher thorougher vaguer sager shaker faker maker

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Anders Fagher says: Fager is fairly old fashioned word in swedish meaning beautiful. It was quite common that you in the swedish army in the 18th century under king Karl IX renamed many of the soldiers as the surnames where all the same ie Andersson or johansson so they got new names after their looks or abilities etc.

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