Statistics and meaning of name Faict

We have no records about Faict being used as firstname.
Surname Faict is used at least 43 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 费 (pinyin: fèi)

      Surname Faict
Given names
Philippe Faict (2)
Sebastien Faict (2)
Julie Faict (2)
Michel Faict (2)
Houria Faict (2)
Benoit Faict (1)
Alexandre Faict (1)
Therese Faict (1)
Josiane Faict (1)
Valerie Faict (1)
Gabriel Faict (1)
Etienne Faict (1)
Antoine Faict (1)
Andre Faict (1)
Sabine Faict (1)
Agnes Faict (1)
Joseph Faict (1)
Frans Faict (1)
Laurence Faict (1)
Lucien Faict (1)
Ariane Faict (1)
Patrice Faict (1)
Anne Faict (1)
Francois Faict (1)

Surname Faict in France   

Faict reversed is Tciaf
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Faitc Ctiaf Tfaci Facti Facit Taicf Fiatc
Misspells: Foict Fayct Fajct Faect Faicta Fiact Faitc Facit

Rhymes: Benedict Pict addict afflict conflict constrict contradict sonnet czarist frolicked rollicked stockist

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Belgium France Brazil Thailand Ireland China Europe Netherlands


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