Statistics and meaning of name Faigel

Usage: 8% firstname, 92% surname.
Faigel first name was found 6 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Faigel is used at least 62 times in at least 8 countries.
Origin of this name is Yiddish.
Name written with Chinese letters: 法伊格尔 (pinyin: fǎ yī gé ěr)

      Surname Faigel
Given names
Renate Faigel (2)
Eva Faigel (2)
Paraschiva Faigel (2)
Helmut Faigel (1)
Gernot Faigel (1)
Wilhelm Faigel (1)
Elsa Faigel (1)
Erwin Faigel (1)
Karol Faigel (1)
Gyulane Faigel (1)
Gyula Faigel (1)
Peter Faigel (1)
Daniela Faigel (1)
Jeremy Faigel (1)
Alexandre Faigel (1)
Paul Faigel (1)
Sonia Faigel (1)
Dominique Faigel (1)
Serge Faigel (1)
Fabienne Faigel (1)
Fernand Faigel (1)
Bernard Faigel (1)
Denise Faigel (1)
Marc Faigel (1)

Surname Faigel in Austria   Surname Faigel in France   Surname Faigel in USA   

Faigel reversed is Legiaf
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Afgile Lageif Ifaegl Glifea Aifelg
Misspells: Foigel Faygel Fajgel Faegel Faigela Fiagel Faigle Faiegl

Rhymes: Nigel Rigel Angel Hegel Stengel faecal shekel heckle speckle cecal

Meaning of name Faigel is: Bird
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Austria Germany Poland Serbia Netherlands Slovenia Bosnia and Herzegovina Thailand Czech Republic United Kingdom Australia Slovakia Europe Romania Egypt Peru


Writers: Douglas O. Faigel

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