Statistics and meaning of name Faighel

We have no records about Faighel being used as firstname.
Surname Faighel is used at least 27 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,France)
Origin of this name is German.
Name written with Chinese letters: 法伊格尔 (pinyin: fǎ yī gé ěr)

Given names
Ioan Faighel (3)
Petru Faighel (3)
Ion Faighel (2)
Maria Faighel (2)
Jeanine Faighel (2)
Ilie Faighel (2)
Constantin Faighel (2)
Viorica Faighel (1)
Bogdan Faighel (1)
Viorel Faighel (1)
Vasile Faighel (1)
Anastasia Faighel (1)
Dumitru Faighel (1)

Faighel reversed is Lehgiaf
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Fialgeh Ghaflei Fagilhe Ailgehf Hligfea Lafigeh Leahigf Gefliah
Misspells: Foighel Fayghel Fajghel Faeghel Faighela Fiaghel Faighle Faigehl

Rhymes: Brueghel Ethel Herschel Hershel Michel Mitchel bagel fatal facial fable hazel

Meaning of name Faighel is: from German name [Feigel]
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States Romania Italy Germany Ireland United Kingdom

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Old Wiki
Name: Faighel
Language: Romanian
Origin: German
Meaning: from German name Feigel

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