Statistics and meaning of name Farneman

We have no records about Farneman being used as firstname.
Surname Farneman is used at least 37 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Farneman
Given names
Anna Farneman (2)
Maria Farneman (1)
Matilda Farneman (1)
Viveca Farneman (1)
Malin Farneman (1)
Sofie Farneman (1)
Christine Farneman (1)
August Farneman (1)
Britta Farneman (1)
Christer Farneman (1)
Agneta Farneman (1)
Lasse Farneman (1)

Surname Farneman in USA   

Farneman reversed is Namenraf
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Annamref
Misspells: Forneman Falneman Farrneman Farnemana Franeman Farnemna Farneamn

Rhymes: lineman Coleman Foreman Freeman Norseman baseman brakeman harden hearken sharpen carmine barman

Meaning of this name is unknown.

John Farneman says: Farneman is a German surname. John Farneman (transcribed then as "Vanaman" "Vaniman") 1763-1823, was of the religious order, the Schwarzenau Brethren who travelled in groups through England and settled in Pennsylvania and later Ohio. By the third generation many families used the "Farneman" spelling of the surname.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Slovakia Finland South Africa


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